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Thursday, December 19, 2013

What I Packed In My Hospital Bag and Why

What I Packed In My Hospital Bag- and What I wish I had/hadn't
I probably packed and repacked my hospital bag at least five times.  I made several different lists and asked several of my friends to contribute what they had taken and wished they had taken.  After accumulating all the information, I finally felt prepared to start packing my bags.  Yes that's right I said bags.  I ended up having three different bags.  Now, bear with me.  One was a duffel bag, one was a small laptop bag, and one was a backpack.  There is a rational thought between having so many different bags, and here it is.  I decided to have a small bag for anything I might need while I was in labor.  Then I had the duffel bag for anything I would need for myself and my baby while I was in the hospital.  Then, the backpack was for my fiance's belongings.  This is what each bag contained, followed by an explanation, or what I wish I had or hadn't taken.
My Labor Bag-
Fuzzy socks- It was nice to wear these when walking around the hospital hallways  (take them off if you plan on pushing while standing, trust me)
Chapstick- Hospitals are dry.  Especially in the winter months, this came in handy
Puzzle books- To occupy me during labor, instead of focusing on the pain, I didn't end 
up using them as much, I played games on my phone instead.
Tennis balls- I brought these supposedly to help massage my back (a suggestion),  didn't use them.
Hair ties- My hair was back when I went to the hospital, but I had backups and a  headband in case.
Brush- I did use this when I got out of the tub, to pull my hair back again, and post  labor because my hair was all over the place
Phone charger- Good thing, because my phone died before I had even been  technically "admitted" into the hospital.  (They wouldn't admit me until I was  4cm dilated)
Hard Candy- This kept my thirst quenched and my tummy not so empty.  The nurses  are nice enough to offer you drinks and crackers and such, but they aren't  always around, so this did come in handy.
Glasses and Contacts Case- Someone told me that the hospital would not allow me to 
deliver with my contacts in.  I don't know if some hospitals are this strict, but 
nobody said a word to me about having contacts in.
Phone List-  I had a sheet of paper broken into groups of people who needed contacted immediately, who wanted to be contacted once I was admitted to  the hospital, and then those who just wanted to know once the baby was  born.  That way, if I was too tired, distracted, or something happened, Jeremy  could take the list and call/text the appropriate people.
Bag of Change-  Quarters, Nickels, and Dimes for Jeremy to hit up the vending
machine in case he needed a pick me up.  He did use this, even though the 
nurses did offer him stuff as well.

My Post-Delivery Bag-
Clothes-  I packed a 2 pairs of shorts, 2 pairs of sweatpants, and 2 t-shirts.  Fuzzy socks. 
A nursing tank, and a nursing bra.  Two pairs of underwear.  Everything I 
packed, I made sure I wouldn't care if it got ruined.  Trust me on this.  I was  told that the hospital underwear were terrible by some, and that they were  wonderful by others.  I took my own underwear just in case, you should too. 
Shower stuff-  Your first shower after labor will be wonderful, and it also may be the  last LONG shower you get to take for awhile.  Enjoy it.  Take face wash,  shampoo, conditioner, nice soap, a razor, whatever you wish.  A big fluffy  towel and robe even if you want.  I took one of those turban towel things that  you can wrap your hair up in.  
Toothbrush, Toothpaste, and Deodorant- DUH.
Make-up- Yes, you shouldn't be too concerned about your appearance, but people  will be taking lots of pictures of you with your little one (if you permit them),  and it's nice to at least take maybe 5 minutes to put on a little makeup, so you  don't want to cringe everytime you look at those pictures of the momentous occasion (this is your own preference, but I was glad I did!)
Nipple Cream- Yes the hospital will give you some, but you never know if the nurse  will be around when you decide you want it, or if you'll be awake when the  nurse comes back, etc.  I took what the nurses offered me as well, but was  glad to have brought my back up.
Baby Clothes-  Yes the hospital will have plain little white clothes for your baby to  wear, so all you TECHNICALLY have to bring is an outfit for your little one to  come home in, however, I brought a couple of things for him to wear while  we were there.  A couple of sleep sacks, mittens, and one or two onesies.   Just remember, your baby is most likely going to blow out his diaper on  something.  (don't worry, just soak it and wash it when you get home!)
Boppy or Mumbo-  Yes you can try and use the hospital pillows, but when I was there,  Lucas went on a nursing strike and wouldn't eat again until my sister-in-law  brought me the Boppy.  Establishing a good nursing relationship in the  beginning can be difficult enough, it's best to start out with the right tools.

Jeremy's bag-
Clothes-  He had a couple of t-shirts and shorts to sleep in.  He also brought a pair of  swimming trunks for if he wanted to get in the jet tub with me or assist me in  showering if I needed it.
Phone Charger
Laptop/Tablet for entertainment
Blanket- The pull out things for the daddies aren't very comfortable, and the first  night Jeremy was freezing, I even offered to switch him places and let him  sleep on the hospital bed. Second night he had a blanket from home and was  slightly more comfortable haha.
Toiletries- Shampoo, Soap, Razor, Deodorant, Etc.
Spare key- In case we needed anyone to run to our house to feed the cat, get us  something, etc.
I have heard lots of different suggestions, but I tried to keep my list to a minimum.  My advice to you if you're packing your hospital bag is to really think about YOU.  What will make you the most comfortable, what will make you happy, what will help you relax.  Make a list, think on it for a week or so, and then pack.  Most likely you'll end up forgetting something, or taking something you don't need.  That's what family is for!  Don't stress too much about the bag, the most important thing will be impossible to forget...your baby :).

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