Coming Soon---

Future blogs to keep an eye out for...Flying While Pregnant, Breastfeeding Success, and another Guest Blog!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Our New Jedi Arrives

So It Begins

It was around 10pm on March 25th, 2013 when my fiance Jeremy, our friend Dave and I set out to walk less than a block to a nearby gas station for some candy and sodas.  Jeremy had a usual Monday night Pool League that he and Dave participated in.  However, since it was past my due date, I told Jeremy he could invite Dave over because I figured that it was the last time they would get to hang out and drink for awhile (they were casually drinking a couple of beers, not heavily drinking of course).  I had lost part of my mucous plug earlier that day, and felt crampy most of the day, but knew that didn't necessarily mean I was going to go into labor yet.  I was taking it easy and enjoying what could be my last night watching movies with friends for awhile.  As we walked out of the door, I felt a tightening in my stomach.  I didn't say anything at first, just pulled out my phone and started a timer, like I had been the past month or so.  A few weeks prior, during my checkup, the doctor had told me I had IU, irritable uterus, which meant that at times I had contractions that didn't necessarily mean labor.  These contractions are not Braxton Hicks, but they are also not regularly timeable like labor contractions.  As we were walking back from the store, I noticed another one, so I checked my timer.  15 minutes had passed.  I restarted the timer again, and went inside to enjoy my candy bar.  After a bit, I noticed another one.  15 more minutes had passed.  I finally broke the silence and said to Jeremy that I may be in labor.  I told him to take it easy on the drinking, and that I had 3 contractions so far 15 minutes apart.  I didn't have my hopes up at all, because at times my other contractions had been timeable for about an hour and then stopped entirely.  I decided to take a bath, because I had read that if you are having false contractions, a bath will make them subside, but real contractions will continue.  I relaxed in the bath and the contractions kept coming.  Immediately after the bath, I lost the rest of my mucous plug.  I went back out to the living room and told them I was going to try and get some sleep and that I would let him know when they got closer together.  Jeremy came to bed shortly afterwards, Dave had gone home.

The Waiting Game

We slept for a couple of hours, and then I couldn't sleep anymore.  My contractions were about 8 minutes apart, so I got up and started to do some things I had wanted to do before I went to the hospital.  I ate breakfast (cereal and toast), drank a Mountain Dew (so sue me, I wanted to have as much energy as possible), and started pulling everything out of my hospital bags and repacking it.  I threw the sheet for the bassinet in the washer to rewash it before Lucas came home.  My contractions got closer together as I was moving around and soon enough were 5 minutes apart.  I woke Jeremy up, and told him to call his parents.  I called my mom and then my dad while Jeremy called my brother and sister-in-law and left them a message.  I called the doctor's office and they told me since I was so close to the hospital and my contractions were not causing me to be short of breath, that I should wait until they were stronger and call back.  I paced around the house, and then went into the bathroom and brushed my hair and put on some make-up (I had time).  After an hour I still wasn't breathless but my contractions were getting stronger.  I was annoyed with the idea that they had told me not to go to the hospital yet.  I used to have cysts on my ovaries years previously, and so I knew I had a bit of a high pain threshold.  After an hour had passed I called back, and I'll admit, I pretended I was a little out of breath.  They told me to go ahead and head to the hospital.


 It was a little before 4am.  My mom and her fiance' beat me there.  We went up and they hooked me up to monitors to check my dilation.  I was only 2 cm dilated and they couldn't check me into the hospital until I was 4 cm.  By this time my contractions were coming every 2 minutes.  As soon as they were done checking me, I walked out to the waiting room to see my mom, Mike (mom's fiance) and my dad.  I stood out there, pacing around the waiting room for awhile and talking to them.  They all told me how impressed they were with how calm I was.  Finally I went back to the room, in attempts to take a nap.  Jeremy slept more than me.
 He was propped up in between two chairs with a pillow, fast asleep, and I finally started getting short of breath during my contractions.  I grabbed his hand, and he stirred and smiled at me, and I would squeeze his hand when I was having a contraction.  I stared at a flower on a painting in the room trying to concentrate on it to distract myself from the pain.  It didn't help.  Finally, I decided to play on my phone.  I played games, I text a select few friends who had wanted to know when I was in the hospital, to update them, I got on facebook.  This helped me much better with the pain.  Finally, after I had been there 2 hours, (so it was about 6 in the morning), they came in and checked me again.  Lucas' head was so low, it was pushing on my cervix so they had trouble telling how dilated I was.  They said I was still only a little over 2 cm, and that they were considering sending me home.  My contractions had slowed back down to every 5 minutes when I was laying in the bed.  They decided to let me stay another 2 hours and then if I still hadn't progressed they weren't going to check me in.  I was annoyed, so I immediately got back out of bed and started walking around again.  I went back down to the waiting room, my sister-in-law had joined the group by then.  She was pregnant also, so we talked a little about the nerves.  I sat down and talked with everyone to kill time, while I insisted Jeremy get something to eat from the vending machines.  I'm almost positive he ate M&M's.  Then we went back to the waiting room and I killed some more time on the telephone.  Luckily at 8am, there was a shift change, and so instead of a doctor, a midwife came in to check me.  She did a much better job at finding my cervix (not saying that it was because she was a midwife, just a general statement), and announced that I had progressed to 4cm and was ready to get checked in.  I sighed in relief and we gathered our stuff to move to the delivery room.

Labor & Delivery

Now, my family was allowed to come back to the room to visit with me, but I walked out to the waiting room anyways.
 I let them know that I was going to take advantage of the whirlpool tubs that Harrisburg Hospital (Pinnacle Health) provided.  My contractions were getting more intense, but still I found it easy to focus.  I was in the "I can do this, this is nothing" phase.  When we first got into the room, the nurse brought me peanut butter crackers to snack on, and we talked about my birth plan.  I told her about my allergy to adhesives (which would make it difficult for them to tape anything to me, if it came down to me getting any drugs).  I also told her that I had absolutely no intention of using any drugs.  She half smiled at me like she didn't believe me.  My midwife said "Good," and nodded her head, making me like her already.  I discussed with the nurse that I wanted to breastfeed as soon as possible.  I also said that I didn't want to be strapped to the monitors for as much as possible, so that I could move around as much as I wanted.  1.  I didn't want to have to wait for the doctors or nurses to come back into the room to detach me, and 2.  That belt around my stomach that measured my contractions actually seemed to make my contractions worse...I still don't know why and if it had anything to do with the Irritable Uterus problem.  I got into the tub and Jeremy sat with me for awhile, and then went to Starbucks to get a coffee.  I got back on my phone (yes while in the whirlpool tub) and started updating people.  I believe I posted a facebook status, I text some more people now that I was officially checked in, and even facebook messaged a few people that wanted updates.  I remember messaging my old boss Jen from B&A, and her saying, "Shouldn't you be doing something other than facebook messaging?", and I replied, "Like what, concentrating on the pain?"  Being on my phone really helped me deal with the pain.  It could have been a bravado type thing.  Since I was talking to those people, and didn't want them to think I was sitting there writhing in pain, I didn't seem to notice my pain as much.  Plus, the whirlpool tub was amazing.  When Jeremy came back, I got out, and got dressed again, and told him he could go get family members.  Everyone came back to chat and I paced around the room a bit and then sat down for awhile.  Again, people commented on how well I was doing.  Finally the midwife came back to check me.  My family left, but not before telling me that my brother was taking a halfday at work and was on his way.  When they checked me I was at 6 cm, and the midwife asked if I wanted my water broken.  I shrugged and said sure, thinking it was bound to speed things up.  I was excited.  I was tolerating the pain pretty well, and had no idea that when your water breaks, your contractions get stronger.  If I had known that, I probably would've tried to take a nap first.  I had already been in labor for 12 hours at this point, so I figured, why not?

No Turning Back, and Lots of Yelling

When they broke my water, I felt a gush of warm liquid and a bit of relief (less pressure).  Then boom.  My first contraction after they broke my water was a wake up call that labor was not going to be a breeze.  My family came back to get the update, and let me know that they were going to go down to the cafeteria to get something to eat and meet up with my brother.  I was glad.  After they left I tried walking around but my contractions were really starting to make my legs shake and my back was really starting to hurt.  I laid down in the bed and flipped through the TV a little, holding Jeremy's hand and trying to talk to him to distract myself.  Finally, I decided to try to get back into the whirlpool tub to see if that would help with the pain at all.  We filled the tub back up and I got in.  Jeremy had been texting a few of his friends and they were telling him stories about how they had almost passed out when their significant others were in labor.  I could tell he was starting to get a little uneasy.  I had been in the tub probably about 5 minutes when I felt this enormous pressure and feeling like I cannot describe.  I knew I was "bearing down" and it was my body telling me to push.  I looked up at Jeremy panicked and told him I needed to get out of the tub.  I remember him joking, "Are we about to have a water birth?" It took awhile to get out of the tub because everytime I would try to get up, the feeling would happen again.  I suddenly felt very out of control. I started to doubt myself in the whole natural birth idea. As soon as I got out of the tub I remember looking at him and telling him to go get my mom right away.  My mom and Jeremy were going to be in the room with me during delivery.  I trusted Jeremy to make sure I was alright and talk me through things, but I didn't trust him (sorry Jeremy) to know my pain threshold and to know if I really wanted to give in and get an epidural or not.  I knew my mom would make the best judgment on those things, plus, my mom is my best friend and I wanted her to be there to witness the birth of her first grandchild. Jeremy ran off to go get my mom, and I walked back over to the bed and leaned over it, still standing.  The nurse came in and I told her I was feeling like bearing down, and so she went to get the midwife.  I remember being alone in the room for what seems like an eternity (it was probably only 3 minutes) and worrying that they were all going to come back and the baby was going to be out.  Finally my mom, Jeremy, the nurses, and the midwife returned.  The midwife checked me and I was only dilated 9 1/2 cm, but she insisted that she could pull my cervix around the head because it was so low.  It was yet another strange feeling I can't describe.  I was standing the whole time, with my hands braced on the bed.  Jeremy was at my one side and my mom was standing on the other, with the midwife behind/underneath me.  I knew when it was ready to push.  Time was moving so fast, but I remember being able to think oddly clear.  My body would cue me when to push, I cannot imagine stopping myself from that feeling.  The only unfortunate thing was that from time to time, the feeling would let up.  I had read so many times to trust my body, so when all the pressure would subside, I immediately relaxed and stopped pushing.  The first time the relief came, I thought I was done.  I naively thought that the baby was out, especially because everyone was yelling, "Great job!"  I laugh at myself now.  I remember the one nurse said, "Thatta girl!" and I misheard her thinking she said, "That's a girl!" and I stopped mid push and said, "What?? It's supposed to be a boy!"  Every time the feeling of relief would come, I would stop pushing.  I regret that now.  Lucas kept crowning but wouldn't come out because everytime he would come close I would stop.  That was the only time I wish I hadn't trusted my body.  This whole time, I should mention, I was standing and squatting, with my elbows and arms on the bed, with Jeremy trapped between me and the wall, holding my hand and cheering me on.  I was completely naked, (I was sweating like crazy), and my mom was wiping my forehead and neck with a cool washcloth cheering me on as well.  I kept pushing and pushing for what seems like forever as well, but in reality was only about 15 minutes.  Then I finally started getting discouraged.  I was losing energy fast.  I wanted to lay down.  So, I laid down on my side and pushed a couple more times. I remember when I laid down how defeated I felt.  I remember sobbing and telling them that I couldn't do it.  I was so tired, and so frustrated that I kept getting so close but not making any progress.  Everyone in the room was so supportive and kept telling me I could do it.  I remember laying there, with everything blurry around me.  I started to think about how many women had gone through childbirth before me, and that millions had done so without the help of any medication as well.  Suddenly a switch went off and I got just enough energy.  I told them I was ready to push and decided then and there that I was NOT going to stop pushing until he was there.  Everytime I thought I was about to lose my strength I took a quick breath and kept pushing.  Lucas was mostly out, and I remember pleading, "Can't you just pull him out now?" I know everyone got a chuckle out of that.  I summoned my remaining strength again and pushed and there he was.  My beautiful baby boy.

A New Life

 They handed him to me and I immediately started to breastfeed him, and after months of agonizing about breastfeeding (a blog for another time), he latched on perfectly right away.  He also peed all over me right away.  In the meantime, I had to push out the placenta, which I can only describe as, the most incredible feeling in the world.  All that pressure released, felt like such a relief to me.  I remember the midwife held up the placenta and stretched it out and showed Jeremy and he was so grossed out. Jeremy cut the umbilical cord, and then he got to hold Lucas for the first time.  Then they took Lucas to clean him up and give him his APGAR test (which he aced), and then we held him some more and took a couple of pictures.  Then my mom left to go deliver the good news to the rest of the family, and I had the terrifying task of having to pee for the nurses and get cleaned up.  After I got changed and everything, they put me in a wheelchair and wheeled me out to take me to my new room.  I was holding Lucas in my arms and I remember it hadn't hit me yet.  The exact moment that I realized what had just happened was when they wheeled me past my entire family and there I was, holding my baby boy in my arms.  Lucas William Brady was born March 26, 2013 at 12:57 pm.  He was 19 1/2 inches long and 7 lbs 3.6 oz.  He changed my life.

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